
As dedicated readers of the blog know, I'm a fan of the Maze Megaburst Space series. It's dumb, ecchi fun. It's also becoming harder and harder to find. The original bonus episode ("the fanservice episode") was never released on laserdisc or DVD. The movie was never released on home video at all. And now, the TV series and OVAs are no longer available on home video.

There's no real explanation for Maze's gradual disappearance. The US license has been allowed to lapse, and the R1 DVDs used the censored VHS version of the show anyway. There never was a Japanese DVD release; the master source material is probably lost. As for the movie, a YouTube video hypothesizes that after it bombed at the box office, the franchise was declared dead, and the master source was thrown away. We will probably never know for sure, and we will probably never see a home video release of the movie. So Orphan is happy to bring you the only currently available fragment: a teaser for the movie that was included in the laserdisc release of Maze.

With a running time of less than a minute, the promo can't convey very much about the movie. There are comments from Akahori promising that the movie will be very naughty, and the brief included scenes, though brief, bear that out.

The movie was released in April, 1998 (for Golden Week, apparently) and had a running time of 42 minutes, on a twin bill with the aggregated omake from Record of the Lodoss War. That's really all we can learn, beyond the title - Maze Bakunetsu Jikuu: Tenpen Kyoui no Giant (Maze Megaburst Space: The Calamitous Giant).

convexity, who translated the Maze bonus episode, translated this as well. I timed, edited, and typeset. Nemesis QCed. The raw is from DmonHiro's laserdisc release, which is by far the best (that is, least censored) subtitled version available.

So here's a little amuse-bouche to tide you over until the next Orphan release: the teaser trailer for the Maze movie. You can get it from the usual torrent site or from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on

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