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With the release of a batch torrent, including the drama CD, Soldado and Saizen's Blu-ray

version of Ninku is complete. (DB - remember them? - translated the first 25 episodes back in the Dark Ages.) And there was much rejoicing.

I've already written about Ninku, so I won't repeat my description of the show or the cast. I got roped into this with the original VHS version of the Ninku OVA, Knife no Bohyou. When the Blu-ray project was underway, Eternal_Blizzard, the one-man band behind Soldado, asked me to QC. The project has featured in my end-of-year summaries since then, usually with the descriptive phrase "slow moving." But pandemic, recession, and general tardiness of various contributors not withstanding, Eternal_Blizzard has landed his Great White Whale and brought it to port.


Ninku is the Mother of all Orphaned Series, having been abandoned by no less than six fansub teams before Soldado and Saizen got it to the finish line. All the contributors, but Eternal_Blizzard in particular, deserve the thanks of English-speaking anime fans everywhere for seeing this through.

So clean off 50GB worth of space on your hard drive and download Ninku today!

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