"My Hero Academia" (Boku no Hero Academia) Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, and Shoto Todoroki will participate in the new series "Nendoroid Swacchao!", Which features cute sitting poses and reasonable prices!
Nendoroid Swacchao! Izuku Midoriya / Katsuki Bakugo / Shoto Todoroki from My Hero Academia has release for sale
You can easily and cutely arrange Nendoroids sitting on a chair on a desk or in a small space. It's an affordable item, so it's a nice point that it's easy to arrange. Please get it together and be healed by the three people sitting together!
Also, if you use the attached pedestal, you can sit on the corner of a desk or the like. Widen the width of the display.
Nendoroid Swacchao! Izuku Midoriya / Katsuki Bakugo / Shoto Todoroki
- ABS & PVC painted movable figure
- Non-scale
- Overall height: Approximately 90mm
- Prototype: Shimon Oguma, Masami Go, Nape (Izuku Midoriya / Katsuki Bakugo), Shichibei, SHIRO (Shoto Todoroki)
- Production cooperation: Nendoron
- Publisher: TAKARATOMY
- Distributor: Good Smile Company
- Price: Izuku Midoriya / 3,300 yen (tax included), Katsumi Bakugo / 3,500 yen (tax included), Shoto Todoroki / 3,100 yen (tax included)
- Scheduled to be released in April 2022
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