The 15th installment of the popular "Fujiko F. Fujio" series of the finished figure "UDF (ULTRA DETAIL FIGURE)" developed by Medicom Toy! In this bullet, from "Doraemon", various figures of Doraemon and Nobita have become collection figures. Please note that the price varies depending on the item.
UDF "Fujiko F. Fujio Works" Series 15 from Doraemon has release for sale
UDF "Fujiko F. Fujio Works" Series 15
- PVC painted finished product
- Overall height: 6.2-12.5 cm
- Publisher: Medicom Toy
- Price:
- 1,100 yen each (tax included) [Hatsuratsu Doraemon / Hatsuratsubita]
- 1,650 yen each (tax included) [Doraemon eating rice cake / Koekata Marine]
- 1,980 yen (tax included) [Doraemon & Nobita]
- Scheduled to be released on Saturday, August 7, 2022
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